Is the new content slider object responsive. 
Автор: Peter P.
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Is the new content slider object responsive, I've just tried viewing it on a mobile, doesn’t look responsive.
Kind Regards
Hello Peter,
Yes it is.
Do you have a link to a page or site where you feel it is not displaying as it should?
Kind regards,
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Hi Paul
It's only a test.
Thanks for the link, Peter. I think I see what you are driving at.
You might be interested in the following thread, and in particular post 56 from Giuseppe:
But bear in mind that extremely large images do not look particularly good when scaled down enormously in small viewports such as a mobile phone.
Also, see the advice in this thread as regards cropping of images:
It refers to a different slider but the principle of keeping all images to a uniform size is a good one. Remember that the browser will reserve a set amount of space for the slider when rendering the page, and image size will affect this.
Thank you Paul, Just looked at Giuseppe Guida code to make the new content slider responsive, can anyone help, where should the code be pasted into Website x5.
Kind Regards
Hi Peter, I have sent you an email containing two video links that show you how to resolve your request. In the mail there is also my custom code that allows you to make responsive the photos inserted as background in the Content Slider and the texts.