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Aristotelis Biliouris
Aristotelis Biliouris

Defer offscreen images - Page Speed insight  en

Автор: Aristotelis Biliouris
Просмотрено 1628, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Dear Sirs,

Can your pls suggest a way for solving this problem at mobile? 

I m already hidding the images for less 720px

Also, will Incomedia support images with next gen format (e.g.webP)?

My website is



5 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Aristotelis Biliouris
Aristotelis Biliouris

Thank you Andre,

I knew this, and i have them to maximum.Also this part regarding next gen images, as a user, incomedia must give the option(s) and i ll decide which is best for me.... I have asked from them a year ago this option !!!

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Размещено От Aristotelis Biliouris
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

Hello.Find a hosting that supports PageSpeed Module. With this module you can configure defer offscreen images and much more.

Here is an article about WebSite X5 speed optimization.

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Размещено От Aleksej H.
Aristotelis Biliouris
Aristotelis Biliouris

Dear Aleksej,

Thank you in advanced. Its not so helpfull for me, my web site has already at Google page Speed 98/77 for desktop & mobile...

Maybe the solution will be, if Incomedia give us the option for an image to add "lazyload" attribute and also adding "lazysizes.min.js" .

But i would like Incomedia to find find the proper solution...



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Размещено От Aristotelis Biliouris
Claudio D.
Claudio D.
Лучший пользователь месяца IT
Aristotelis Biliouris
Maybe the solution will be, if Incomedia give us the option for an image to add "lazyload" attribute and also adding "lazysizes.min.js" .

you can...

and then

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Размещено От Claudio D.