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Steve B.
Steve B.

I frame or key frame  en

Автор: Steve B.
Просмотрено 957, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Hi, I have designed a website for an online community radio station. The website has a listen now box which is html code supplied by the radio station and works fine. Next to this is request form which is a simple contact form. I have set the contact form to divert to a page that informs the sender that their message has been received. The problem is that if they are listening live and then send in a request the page changes to the confirmation page and the radio player switches off.

My solution maybe to put the contact form in an i frame but it does not appear very simple to do in X5, any ideas on this one...

Thanks in advance 

4 Ответы
Adrian B.
Adrian B.

What about a popup window for the confirmation?

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Размещено От Adrian B.
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

Hello.Create the form on a separate page.In the page properties, disable the template.

Place the link or button on other pages of the site.By clicking on it a popup window will open.

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Размещено От Aleksej H.
Steve B.
Steve B.

Thanks Aleksej H,

That sort of works but they still lose the radio player when they change pages, I suspect I need to figure out how to get the radio player to appear as a pop out box but their html code is an iframe.

thanks for your help 

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Размещено От Steve B.
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

" I suspect I need to figure out how to get the radio player to appear as a pop out box but their html code is an iframe" - Yes you are right.

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Размещено От Aleksej H.