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Claude V.
Claude V.

Displaying a confirmation that the form has been sent  en

Автор: Claude V.
Просмотрено 1365, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Is there a way to display a message ( e.g. Your message has been sent) on the screen when you press the button "send" at the bottom of the form ? 

7 Ответы - 2 Полезно
Sinisa B.
Sinisa B.

No. I have asked them a long time before to add this feature to the FORM object.
You should make your post as an IDEA...

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Размещено От Sinisa B.
Jim C.
Jim C.

Hi Claude,

You can set up a hidden page i.e. email sent with suitable comment, then go to contact form object, confirmation page after sending data. Then select your “hidden” email sent page which will then appear on the users screen when the email is sent.

See below:

Is this what you are looking for?


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Размещено От Jim C.
Claude V.
Claude V.

Hi Jim , thanks for the idea - I will test it this week end and let you know. That hidden page should stay visible a short period of time , then it should go back automatically to the home page. 

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Размещено От Claude V.
Jim C.
Jim C.

Hi Claude,

I am not sure how you could get the message page to return to the home page after “X” time. However you could insert a link on the message page for the user to click on to return to the home page or whatever page that you wanted them to go to.

See below:

Maybe other users can provide information on how to set up a timed link to another page.


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Размещено От Jim C.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Jim & Claude, I add an html object to the thankyou page with one line in it.


you could (if you prefer) replace "/" with any webpage eg ""

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Размещено От Esahc ..
Jim C.
Jim C.

Hi Eashc,

Thank you for your prompt feedback, this works really well. I will certainly make use of this. Hopefully it will also meet Claude’s needs.

Many thanks,


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Размещено От Jim C.
Claude V.
Claude V.

Hello Jim , Hello Esahc, Many thanks for your help in resolving my issue. Indeed your combined solutions have allowed me to display a confirmation that the information entered on the form has been sent and to return to the home page after a while.

many thanks for having taken the time to answer to my question. All the best.

Regards,   Claude

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Размещено От Claude V.