Автор: Valentin 4.
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After the last two updates after saving, it removes me from the program and when I return, the site gives me the error in the attached file. All the work disappears for weeks. What needs to be done? Nothing can be recovered.
Step 5, export project will create a very reliable backup. Please use it often (append date to name) after every session.
This iwzip may fix the problem (import it), but if not at least you can recover your project whilst we search for the fix.
where can i find this backup file?
You need to create the backup file yourself from time to time, x5 will ask your where you want this saved, this is the ss a full backup you make in step like Esahc say's.
The oher backup is automaticly done by x5 in the project
If you have not made a backup with step 5 and the backups of project do not work you unfortunatly need to start over.
So create regyurly but always after making big changes an export project backup.
see also:
or the help inside x5:
ok, I got it. So at this moment there is no backup, only by saving this backup is not made, it must be done from time to time while working on the project.
you can check if there are auto backups (set with the pulldown next to the save button in x5.)
the auto backup's are found in the place where i set a circle. If on that place there are no auto backup's and you have not made a full backup in step 5. Then you need to start over again from what you have.
The best backup (also because you can place it omn another medium) is the one in step5. In that case even if your drive fails you can switch back. But that one needs to made manualy.
So use it after a few small modifications or regurly if you are making big modifications so you never lose a lot in case of trouble.