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Nektarios K.
Nektarios K.

Break Lines  en

Автор: Nektarios K.
Просмотрено 1521, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Hi there,
I create a page with the objects as a photo1. As you can see in the response I can use the break line between objects 2 and 3.
I add menu photo 2 as is the same page May 20 times but with different category items. I am trying to use a break line again between no 3 and no 4 not allow me.
How can I resolve this problem?



3 Ответы - 2 Полезно
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Nektarios,

The reason why you cannot insert a line break at the point indicated in your screenshot is that Objects 2,3 & 4 form an object 'block' which WebSite X5 treats as though it were a single object, and thus not divisible.

An object block can be recognised by the solid colour between adjacent Objects, as opposed to the white which separates individual Objects.

A full and detailed explanation of how the display order operates in WebSite X5 can be found here:

How the Object Display Order works

How to add Line Breaks and why you need them

Kind regards,


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Размещено От Paul M.
Nektarios K.
Nektarios K.

Dear Paul,

Thanks for your reply and fully understanding.
In case, I use the page without a menu at the left and use the break line between objects 2 and 3 at the highest resolution in all less resolution the responsible are correct and as I wish.
Now with menu, block me that option.
But, in less resolution come also correct except 1149.9 to 720.
There I can use the break line between the object 3 and 4 but not respond... what I mean to use the object 3 on top and object 4 bellows.

See attached photo 



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Размещено От Nektarios K.
Stefano G.

Hello Nektarios

Paul's explanation is on point. Due to a series of rules that WebSite X5 follows in order to understand whether it can let you break a line or not, you might not be able to always perform this break on every cell.

In these cases, it is advised to just change the layout of the page so that it becomes possible for you to build it like you wish to.

The articles Paul linked can be very helpful on this

Should you still encounter difficulties with this after changing the layout, let us know here so that we might help you out with this

Thank you


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Размещено От Stefano G.