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Villy A.
Villy A.

X5 Pro crashes  en

Автор: Villy A.
Просмотрено 717, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

I have been using the X5 Pro for a few years. There have never been any problems until now. After working for a while, the program freezes and it needs to be restarted. I reinstalled the program but it does not help. Please help!

4 Ответы
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Villy,

Most freezes are due to antivirus or similar third party software interfering with WebSite X5.  Try temporarily disabling any such software.  If this helps then you can add an exception for WebSite X5 to that particular software's whitelist.

Also, ensure that Windows is fully updated, along with the Microsoft .NET framework, and the drivers for your PC, particularly the graphics drivers.

Lastly, be sure to run WebSite X5 as an 'administrator' with elevated user privileges.

Kind regards,


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Размещено От Paul M.
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

Hello.If there are empty cells on the pages of your site, then place a separator object or a text object in them.

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Размещено От Aleksej H.
Villy A.
Villy A.

Hi Poul - I've done everything you mention, but nothing helps.
Has anyone had the same experience?

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Размещено От Villy A.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Villy, when all else fails (and you have also followed the advise from Aleksej) you might wish to check hardware? When I have random lockups I first delete all unwanted files, I generally use ccleaner (free) first telling it not to delete browser history. If problems persist I move to check HD for errors. You can run scandisk from explorer (right click on drive, properties, tools), but I prefer the old fashioned chkdsk c: /r which I run from an administrator CMD prompt (if SSD use chkdsk /f)

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Размещено От Esahc ..