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Les M.
Les M.

Email Form Confirmation send error?  en

Автор: Les M.
Просмотрено 2728, Подписчики 2, Размещенный 25  
Тэги: email,error,form

I'm using WebSite X5 version 8.0.16 and I've set up the email form to send a confirmation email to the user... this isn't happening. My web host is, they use PHP and say that I need to do the following:

1. Mail host:

2. Port: 25

3. Authentication: No

4. Username: [active email account in the domain]


1. Mail host:

2. Port: 25

3. Authentication: Yes

4. Username: [active email account in the domain]

5. Password: [password to the above email account]

I have no idea how to fix this... any help would be greatly appreciated.


4 Ответы
Samantha M.

Hi Les!

To make the e-mail form work properly, you should verify that the server on which you are publishing supports PHP.

Therefore, you should contact your provider to verify that PHP is running and properly configured on the server. In fact, some providers, especially the free space offering ones, do not support the PHP execution.

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Размещено От Samantha M.
Les M.
Les M.

Hi Samantha,

Thanks for your comment. I contacted them and they say that,

"It should work since our server supports PHP and phpmail scripts...just make sure that you are using the correct protocols in setting up the phpmail scripts."

I have no idea what they mean... I'm a total novice. :/

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Размещено От Les M.
Les M.
Les M.

What should the form look like? I think I might be able edit that to get it to work...

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Размещено От Les M.
Samantha M.

Hi Les! Excuse me for making you wait!
Please read this carefully:

Sending e-mail is a function highly dependent on the server, and for this reason, if it doesn't work correctly, it's necessary to contact the Provider.

Differently from what happened in version 7, we added into a file that can manage e-mail sending, deliberately left off the program so that it could be modified according to Provider needs.

The file is called IMEMAIL.INC.PHP, lies in the RES subdirectory in the installation folder of the program and was written clearly in order to simplify any change.

The file IMEMAIL.INC.PHP has two methods in order to send emails:
- the first one uses the MAIL command with the addition of the SendMail option;
- the second one, on the other hand, uses only the MAIL command (classic method, already used in version 7).

If the first method of sending e-mail fails and returns an error, then the PHP script tries to use the second method.

If the e-mails are still not sent, you need to:
- Verify that the PHP is supported by your server;
- Check that your Provider supports the Mail command to send the e-mails;
- Check with your Provider that the parameters within the file IMEMAIL.INC.PHP are correct according to the server settings.

If the Provider, analyzing the file IMEMAIL.INC.PHP, requires changes of some parameters, it is sufficient make these adjustments to the file IMEMAIL.INC.PHP that you can find on your PC so that WebSite X5 can edit and use it in order to send e-mails.

We have created a variant of the file that could run on some servers that use a mail server of low quality and that interpret the PHP code in the wrong way.
Here the note from the official PHP site

Please note: If messages are not received, try using a LF  (\n) only. Some poor quality Unix mail transfer agents replace LF by CRLF automatically (which leads to doubling CR if CRLF is used). This should be a last resort, as it does not comply with »RFC 2822.

It is possible to test this solution by downloading the IMEMAIL.INC.PHP file and unzipping it to overwrite the original one.

In order to solve the problem, if you couldn't solve it yet an if you couldn't get assistance from your own web space Provider, you can use this alternative of IMEMAIL.INC.PHP that sends messages as only text, that is what happened with version 7. Obviously you can't neither get the message formatted in HTML nor use the attachments.

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Размещено От Samantha M.