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Andy A.
Andy A.

Adding delivery dates to Orders?  en

Автор: Andy A.
Просмотрено 1995, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Looking for advice, and to delve into the Hive of expert minds on here for a solution to a wee issue..?

Client sells Fruit/Veg boxes,  but as we run up to Xmas, and and anticipate a busy period... is there a way that the customer can specify the date for delivery, apart from setting a date in a custom box? OR integrating a contact form?  Any ideas?  TIA  Running pro version.. 

4 Ответы - 1 Полезно - 1 Корректно
Adrian B.
Adrian B.

Are you using the cart?

You could create a product called delivery date (at zero cost).

Make the first product "pick a delivery date..."

Then make date products (delivery Dec x), etc

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Размещено От Adrian B.
Andy A.
Andy A.

Do you mean create a product, then use the options to add in the different dates? I will have a look today... and report back..   


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Размещено От Andy A.
Andy A.
Andy A.

OK, Hive,  I have found a java script that i can implement into site, That will allow end user to choose a delivery slot  per hour..  but where would be the best place to put it? is it possible to create a pop up showbox , create a html object  but which page would i put it on, or can i put it into cart process?? or would i be better, just cutting and pasting code direct into website?   answers on a postcard please...LoL

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Размещено От Andy A.
Adrian B.
Adrian B.

Yes create a product called something like "Pick Delivery Date...", then add products below it (like product variants or options)

The first product is the box, the second product is the delivery date

You can add text to explain to the user what to do. See example below of two products.

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Размещено От Adrian B.