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Alex S
Alex S

Can not overwrite  en

Автор: Alex S
Просмотрено 1050, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

I have done some changes in a project. The priveiw dont match my changes ... I upload det my project and can not overwrite. on webbrowser show my old update....

I have reintall program and import my project again. I do changes,,, but steel same problem,,

Please advise me


19 Ответы
John S.
John S.

In preview - press CTRL when clicking preview

On the server - clear the browsers cache by pressing CTRL+F5.

Tell how it goes then. 

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Размещено От John S.
Alex S
Alex S

I do meny changes ,,, but still preveiw shows old ,,, seems to be locket

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Размещено От Alex S
Alex S
Alex S

I have tryed meny time as you wrote... does not help..

still old preveiw

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Размещено От Alex S
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Alex, I will assume that changes are correctly shown when you do a local preview perhaps after ctrl+preview if necessary (if this is not the case please advise)

You say none of the updates are visible on the web, so first check that where you are uploading is in fact where your website is hosted. In step 5 upload website to internet click the files button.

Assuming you see what you expect, close the browser and select upload all website files to the internet (not new and changed).

Open your browser, go to the website and select ctrl+preview. Is the website now correctly updated? (I have found it is sometimes necessary to ctrl+preview on multiple pages)

If the local preview is correct but not when viewed on the web we may need to look at other possibilities (eg you may have both an index.html and index.php) As a test you could go to and, the file browser mentioned above can remove the unnecessary index file.

Please provide a link to your site.

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Размещено От Esahc ..
Alex S
Alex S


I have changes directory from


it does not help.

I will send 3 photo to see it

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Размещено От Alex S
Alex S
Alex S

changes directory

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Размещено От Alex S
Alex S
Alex S


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Размещено От Alex S
Alex S
Alex S

in preveiw I have changed ohoto for up load....

I have have upload meny times, but still can not overwrite old photo

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Размещено От Alex S
Alex S
Alex S

Now I have removoved all files in directory

and upload agian.... same result

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Размещено От Alex S
Alex S
Alex S

it seems to be some ting is locked in X5....

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Размещено От Alex S
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Alex, I do not see a picture of the page in local preview that has a photo, if you do not see it in preview you will not see it online.

You should not have any empty cells on a page (WX5 behaves oddly)

Add a text object either side of the photo (no need to add content)

Delete all unused rows (or add content to every cell)

or this

Can you see the pricture on local preview now?

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Размещено От Esahc ..
Alex S
Alex S

I can see thr picture in program, but still preveiw shows old picture, even whn I upload it

I have removed all raws I don´t use

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Размещено От Alex S
Alex S
Alex S

I have test with another project I had... this works,,, I think my other project is infected

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Размещено От Alex S
Alex S
Alex S

my actuell project is infected ,,, I do´n know HOW ??

I have to remove the infected project and do it again...

But I can protect from "virus" ???

Or what I done wrong ?? 

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Размещено От Alex S
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Alex, I am not aware of any WX5 project ever getting infected by any virus. The project itself consists primarily of XML files (effectively just text). But there have been enough examples of corruption here on the helpcentre to cause everyone to strongly recommend the frequent creation of an iwzip file (step5 export project) with a unique name (date appended?). Do not rely on built in backup for your project/s.

There is obviously an issue with the page in your project, but without access to your project I am not able to offer further thoughts on how to fix it. For the record, if you cannot see the desired result in the local preview (movie files notwithstanding) then uploading to the internet will not overcome the issue.

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Размещено От Esahc ..
Alex S
Alex S

can I send my damaged file ?

You can checket by your self !

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Размещено От Alex S
Esahc ..
Esahc ..


I would be happy to look at your file (but keep in mind others may also be able to, so if this concerns you contact me directly thru

Create an iwzip without backups or preview, if too large for attachment here then perhaps unless you are familiar with drop-box or google drive, etc.

If you provide a link I will be happy to download and look.

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Размещено От Esahc ..
Alex S
Alex S

I have already have stated a new project..

Buy I have old file, and you can open it and see the problem..

please send me a upload link or your E.mail

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Размещено От Alex S
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Gordon(at) - as on my website :-)

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Размещено От Esahc ..