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James Becker
James Becker

Sub-menu hidden  en

Автор: James Becker
Просмотрено 1924, Подписчики 2, Размещенный 27  
Тэги: menu

Would someone have a look at click Kids' Club, and then set your mouse on Community Partnerships, notice that the sub-menu is partially hidden. I did not use the PDF widget but rather entered the pdf by hand. Any ideas why the sub-menu is being hidded? See attached jpg.

7 Ответы
James Becker
James Becker

How about it X5.Answers!!!......  it has been 2 days and still no response from you.

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Размещено От James Becker
Luca S.
Luca S.

Hello James,

If you insert a document external pdf in the view of browser this object has the focus on menu and you canot see the submenu. We suggest of move the iframe pdf so you can view submenu of Partnership.

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Размещено От Luca S.
James Becker
James Becker

Another words..... it is a bug and you don't know how to fix it.  :)

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Размещено От James Becker
Luca S.
Luca S.

Hello James,

This feature is not a bug, because the browser loads another document (pdf file) for its plugin pdf. In this way the browser loads an external document that hidden the submenu. If you enter also an object flash in this case the sub-menu will be hidden. If you load external documents (another file) in your browser the browser view the plugin but in that area you can not see the part html content.

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Размещено От Luca S.
Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


You cannot make an iFrame transparent either......

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Размещено От Cheeky Man