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Cristea V.
Cristea V.

I do not receive the order by email  en

Автор: Cristea V.
Просмотрено 1003, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

I bought WebSite X5 Evolution and Update Protection - Evolution on 13.02.2019 - order 90857034. We built the site which was functional until 01.02.2021. The problem is that when ordering a product, the procedure is completed, but I do not receive the customer's request by email. When I want to export the site to the server, the attached image appears. What to do ? Do I have to buy WebSite X5 Evo + Updates for 12 months? Respectfully, Viorel Cristea

2 Ответы - 1 Полезно
Andre E
Andre E


The attachement seems a connection error to your host, check the destination folder (if needed use the folder icon to select correct upload folder.

Maybe you host has changed something?


you can test the email functionality in the admin panel.

set / admin behind your webadres;

then login, the login is found in x5 user acces step 1 -> advanced tab.

use the test option and test several mail scripts.

if one works correctly then set this in x5, step1 advanced tab -> data management.

some user providers have extra demands and won't accept mails from another provider. see that the mail adres you use is from same provider or check the FAQ of your privider for information about the best mail set up, (it could be that provider has some things changed sinds 1 febr.)

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