WebSite X5Help Center

Lev  V.
Lev V.

Feedback on ver9  en

Автор: Lev V.
Просмотрено 2079, Подписчики 2, Размещенный 9  

Hello to ALL Website5 development team,

I hate to write this message and I'm not trying to sound offensive at all. However after spending some time with version 9 + a few new updates of it.) and also trying a few free templates.(I purchased a commercial pack but it does not recognizes a key for some reason)

I may conclude that this is unreliable ,buggy , pretentious PEACE of JUNK. Previously I purchased a v7 and that was working just fine. It is very frustrating to spend my precious time for nothing , and then to be a "free tester" or "guinea pig" for a lousy developers to help them to fix their bugs .Even to get to a "resource page" I have to abstain a pass word. It is simply just funny..... Again I did not mean to harass or to sound offensive.But enough is enough. I'm wondering if I can exchange current version 9 for older version 8 instead ? This might help Best regards. PS Please DO NOT SETthis message to a Private status (as you usually do)

Thank you

6 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Samantha M.

Dear Lev,

good morning. I'm sorry that you have been having trouble with the template pack and with Evo 9.
Please don't apologyze, I can understand your frustration, time is precious. I will do all I can to help you solve the issues as quickly as possible.

First of all, I see you have already opened two different posts and that my collegue Claudio is taking care of you.

Let's talk about the template pack:

Did you try to it activate manually as claudio suggested? Did you succeed? Please let him know.
You need to check two things when you activate your template pack:

  1. The file path which needs to be something like this
    C:\Program Files\WebSite X5 v9 - Evolution.
  2. Your internet connection

If you don't have the second point, simply activate manually by following the few simple steps Claudio explained you, it won't take long!

I did not quite understand what is wrong with your WebSite X5 Evolution 9 instead, I'm sorry. I saw your other post, is this it? Could you please tell Claudio if his suggestion worked?

Believe me, WebSite X5 Evolution 9 has been thurrelly improved since Evo 8 and I'll explain how: it has 200 new functions in it and it writes it's code in HTML 5, not in XHTML 1.0 (built in 1994) like Evo 8. Therefore, if I may suggest, don't step backwards, HTML 5 is very important for your website.
I don't know how much you know about this, please have a look at this page which explains very well why HTML 5 is better I apologyze in advance if I repeat things that you already know.

Please let me know how exactly I can help, and I will do my best to solve any doubt or issue.

Thank you for raising the issue and for giving us your feedback.

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Размещено От Samantha M.
Lev  V.
Lev V.

Hello 1 Answer :)

I solved the previous problem wich I discuss with Claudio (and it did not help though)

 I deside to upgraded the IE version and it is working now. I can't blame you for an issue like that 

Instad I'm talking about the "feeling of the soft"

  • When I was working with Website 7 it was build more stable ,almoust everything was working and clearly saved  In location you've specify  (Imean .bws and .iwp files +the content) without irrevelant bunch of files.
  • Nowdays I feel like a "Cow on the Ice" when i working with current version 9.

Everything is shaky, cumbarsom and unstable.The file managment , has some attitude of "anti theft security paranoya" in mind.

After I did some work with my proget I could'nt find a main file of  proget ( mean .bws and .iwp files).No matter what path I specify it still saves files in MY DOCUMENT folder

You have to open the application to track down it (or to export ...again)????

  • Your tech support site looks like Area 51 and password protected.It used to be a "great forum accesible useful forum with additional websites with tips and trikc"  wich not functioning unfortunately anymore
  • Some functions either do not exist(hardcoded??) or imposible to find how to set up

(look at the attachement)Horisontal dropdown menu with separators, or search box on right top corner

some do not exist despite they are so popular like "multi tab module" for instanxe(Well maybe I'm asking too much though ;)

I hope this explains the situation

Best regards

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Размещено От Lev V.
Samantha M.

Good morning Lev!

Well, first of all, thank you for getting back to me and for explaining so accurately the situation. Now I'll try to do the same:

  • as soon as you open your program, you will see different options on the left hand side: Video Tutorial, WebSite X5 Gallery and so on....up to ''Preferences''.
    If you click on this last option, another window will open: here you can decide exactly what folder you wish to save your projects in and a number of other features. Once you have set this folder, you won't have to bother about project saving anymore. WebSite X5 will automatically save every project you build in that folder.
  • Evo 9 creates a backup copy of your project exactly as Evo 7 did, it is now called ''backup.iwprj'' and it is saved in the same folder as the project. In order to use it, you now have to rename it into ''project.jwprj''. We have now renamed it into ''backup'' so that it could be easier for you to find and to know that that is you backup copy.

I can understand that you where probably used to working with Evo 7 and that you maybe expected to work in the same way, with the same methods in Evo 9 but after you've learnt a coulpe of things maybe you colud get used to this to!

  • ''You have to open the application to track down it (or to export ...again)????''

I'm not quite sure If understood what you ment here, I apologyze. If you mean that you have to open Evo 9 every time you have to export or work on it, well yes it starts from there and you have to work your way round it.

  • ''''. We built this new social help center to give you the chance to ask us questions, and exchange info with all the other users to. If we don't give you an answer immediately, you don't have to wait! We have great moderators and users that give useful suggestions all the time. You can read anything on answers without having to login, but if you do because you are one of our users, well, you can use many more options in it:
    • You can find the tips&tricks section : we post one more or less every month and we now give you the chance to open one yourself if you wish to explain something you have discovered to other users.
    • You can post your ideas: you need a function that isn't in the program? Tell us and maybe our WebSite X5 creators will add it in the future!
    • You can download free project templates or buy some in the ''WebSite X5 Template'' section and you can post the website you have pubblished in the ''WebSite X5 Gallery'' so that all our users may see it and give you feedback and useful suggestions!
    • In the ''download'' section you can download your program and the manual in any language and whenever you need it, always up to date and in the ''my licence'' you can keep track of your licence. 
    • You need a photo to add to your website and you can't find it or do it? In the ''WebSite X5 Photos'' section can download more than 6000 free photos you can add to your website project.

The ''options'' you can't seem to find in the program (screenshot), are very simple tricks that we have created to show you that many things can be done if you are a bit creative with Evo 9! We describe these ''tricks'' step by step in our Tips&Tricks section type:tipsandtricks . We have created the ''Tee X5 Store'' especially for this reason and we will eventually explain everything that's in it.

For example, the search field has been set as invisible and we have added an image under it, very simple! In this Tips&tricks, you will find a detailed description of it:

Please feel free to ask us if you can't find or if you don't understand how to do something, and if it isn't in the program, post your idea! We do all we can to please you!

Thank you Lev, and very best regards to you!

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Размещено От Samantha M.
Lev  V.
Lev V.

Hello thereSmile

I was searching  trough the help docs. Was trying to find: How to activate!! a  Link's "Text description" in the link but could'nt find.

  1. Any help on that please?

(I already know how to modify Link's Text description Look at athe attachment

  • Also, is it possible to create a link inside of the Link's "Text description ?

Thank you  Smile

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Размещено От Lev V.
Lev  V.
Lev V.

PS. Nevermind

Got it


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Размещено От Lev V.
Samantha M.

Ok, great! Thanks for letting me know! Smile

Please note: Remember to mark the answer you prefer as ''correct'' in order to close this post. Thank you!

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Размещено От Samantha M.