Slice box and swiper grid 
Автор: Luca F.
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when I insert the photos in slice box and swiper grid , the photos are trimmed, I can not have the full image
Hello Luca,
You can set a maximum size but this is always within the view of the page.
So if you want to maximize it set it on all the page and use extended button.
For the slicebox however you can set a link, if you set the link to the file of the picture then if clicked users get's full picture. But this will take upload and download time because all the pictures needs to be uploaded, if you want this it's better to upload them seperatly and then set a link to the uploaded picture adress.
Maybe yhis helps as well?
thanks, but may question how to have the full size image inside slice box ans swiper grid, irrelative to the size of the page
If you want the picture within the window that is available it's best to make the picture same size as the maximum size you have on your website / desktop, before adding it to x5.
Take speciaal care on the height and width ratio, if this deviates from what you have set in x5, then x5 has no other option then to cut it or it can be made smaller with a distorted or too small picture as end result.
I attached just one photo, but as you can see on the web site the photo is cropped (
Luca what is the website?
where is it cropped? ->
the web site: -
I think I got the solution thanks a lot
Thanks for the feedback,
Have fun.