How to disable street address requirement for digital products 
Автор: Arnold Page
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When testing my website to sell an Ebook (digital product) I find it annoying to have to enter every line of my street address as though it is going to be mailed to me. It's also worrying - why do these guys want to know where I live when I am only going to download an Ebook? Is there some way to disable the street address entry page or requirement for digital products? If so, how?
Do you sell also other products or only digital products?
if only digital you set the info window off by using the buttons on top after selecting the field.
Else you might want to set them not as mandatory but then you might not the adress if you need to send something
But i think it's a logical thing, on the other thing, it mght be handy to know who ownes it in case of reclamation. (like a licence for office for instance, this is also nly a code, but i can't buy it wthoout giving my adres)
Thanks Andre. That was helpful. I sell physical and digital books. So I'll make all the fields except the email field optional, but put a clear instruction that if they are ordering a physical book they must fill in all the fields in CAPITAL LETTERS. (I can set these in the language page.) So long as I have their email address and I get in touch with them if they have omitted anything essential.