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Kadir D.
Kadir D.

E-mail forms not doesn't work  en

Автор: Kadir D.
Просмотрено 1188, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 15  
Тэги: doesn,forms,mail,work

(Repeat) Hi ; I could not run the form at at the beginning of the program there is a 'preferences' tab and i tried everything it includes to make a form. I talked to the authorized people of the 'natro hosting' which includes my web site.SMTP authenticatiın may be causing this code mismatch. I'm waiting for help. Thanks.

1 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Samantha M.

Hi Kadir. Please open a single post for each question so that we may gather all the info toghether and help you solve the issue quickly. I will close this post and give you an answer in the first one you opened:
Thank you!

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