Shopping cart queries 
Автор: Derek K.
Просмотрено 994,
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After creating an account, confirming by email and the customer is signed in - the page still has “sign in” should it not say something like “welcome Andy” and the option to sign out? Even when the customer sees their order and their details it says “sign in”
Can this be more customised.
In the page under “your orders” can the date read 17/06/2021 rather than 06/17/2021? How do I change the date format.
You can also use login and logout together (next to eachother) logout will only show up once a person has loged in.
There is no option in x5 to show the name of the user, i think that would be a good asset, to my best knowladge this has been already set as an IDEA post, i can change this post as well if you wish to Idea post.
You can show the name by using special code.
But as Andere says, there should be a widget for that.
Sorry - my comment was about the protected pages. I am not sure if it is relevant in this thread.
Can someone from support please answer my queries in respect of the date format in the shopping cart orders.
Hi Derek,
it isn't unfortunately possible to change the date format. I had already reported this suggestion, but I will be happy to bring the attention back to this needs
Thanks! Kind regards.
Hi Elisa,
if you would arange for the date to be in the format dd/mm/yyyy that would be great. Also is there any way that an automated email can be sent to someone when they register to use the site using the auto registration method. It would also be very useful to be able personalise a webpage. So that when a returning customer logs in to review their orders, the message says something like..Hi Andrew, welcome to your order management page.
Hi Derek,
confirmation e-mail is usually automatically sent, are you having issues with this? If so, I please ask you to create a new post where you provide more information, so not to handle too many different issues on the same post.
Thanks! Kind regards.