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Srikanth Palavai
Srikanth Palavai

Sliding Contact form on home page, Need as marketplace object  en

Автор: Srikanth Palavai
Просмотрено 1604, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

For best example image.

9 Ответы - 1 Полезно
John S.
John S.

Is this post intended to be a wiah where you want to wait for an object with the described functionality?

Or - do you want to know how to make it yourself?

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Размещено От John S.
John S.
John S.

Wiah ----> wish

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Размещено От John S.

Hello Srikanth laughing

on my demo check on the home page the red phone icon on the right of the page. click on it to see

I am in vacation, so drop me a message for furthur information. Now you have my email


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Размещено От Axel  
John S.
John S.

@Axel - I think I have seen this telephone beforewink

I now also took it from my own site ( and made a mail-slide

It can be seen here:

@Palaval - was it something like this you mean?

Notice the telephone become less visible when it has been shown.

Imagine that the telephone had been a mail icon instead. It is just 3 png-images.

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Размещено От John S.
John S.
John S.

Instead of having it just on one page it can be set for all pages in your project.

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Размещено От John S.
Srikanth Palavai
Srikanth Palavai

Hi... John and Axel Greeting of the day ... The thing is many clients are asking "Sliding Contact form" like a small text button side of the page, when we hit the "button" they need some small contact form needed. Maybe they follow the WP website as per my knowladge.innocent



when hitting the button:

Inquiry form or other forms, I tried but, linking database too difficult for me. This is very useful for everyone. 

So, I got an Idea I share this, why not this thing be a marketplace

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Размещено От Srikanth Palavai
Srikanth Palavai
Srikanth Palavai

Hi John, 

Yes Your link: worked exactly, But how can I use this type and how can link with database help me out..

Thank u,  

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Размещено От Srikanth Palavai
John S.
John S.

In the sliding panel is an iframe with a X5 page. Itb is a page with no template.

I am not sure I know what you mean by 

Srikanth Palavai
.. how can I use this type and how can link with database help me out.. Thank u,  
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Размещено От John S.