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John L.
John L.

Are Website X5 thinking of including a version where apps can be built?  en

Автор: John L.
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Are Website X5 thinking of including a version where apps can be built?

11 Ответы - 4 Полезно
Andreas S.
Andreas S.

No, it's a website builder! Maybe in 10 years!

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Размещено От Andreas S.
John L.
John L.

Any recommendations of software similar to website x5 that build apps? 

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Размещено От John L.
Andreas S.
Andreas S.

APP programming is a story of its own and needs to be programmed approximately. You can't convert a website to an app.

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Размещено От Andreas S.
Andreas S.
Andreas S.

But you can go to your page on your phone in your browser and put it as a shortcut on your screen. This is exactly the same as an APP.

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Размещено От Andreas S.
Claudio D.
Claudio D.
Лучший пользователь месяца IT

@John ... ma intendi vere e proprie APP o intendi le PWA (Progressive Web App) del sito web ?

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Размещено От Claudio D.
John L.
John L.

Real apps Claudio 

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Размещено От John L.
Claudio D.
Claudio D.
Лучший пользователь месяца IT
John L.
Real apps Claudio 

ah ok !

allora dubito fortemente... perchè come dice Andreas 

Andreas S.
No, it's a website builder! Maybe in 10 years!

Se intendevi le PWA , quella è una funzionalità interessante... visto che al momento nei rari casi mi tocca farle a manina... 

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Размещено От Claudio D.
Fabio B.
Fabio B.

A PWA is a real app.

Anyway you can create a app starting from your website using a third part app called Appsheet. Your users also should install previously the master app on their phone in order to use your own app based on your db tables exported as spreadsheets.

Since Incomedia changed the way to name automatically some db tables this process will be more complicated with the new versions of the software.

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Размещено От Fabio B.
Andreas S.
Andreas S.

@Claudio D.

Con le idee PWAs Progressive Web App mai un amministratore ha contattato e non sarà coinvolto in discussioni perché questi non sono previsti in WSX5. Allora, prima della V12, bisognava programmare questi PWA separatamente e poi farli commutare automaticamente. Dal V12 e dal design reattivo, tuttavia, questo si è addormentato.

No admin has ever contacted us about the PWAs Progressive Web App ideas, nor will they get involved in discussions because they are not provided for in WSX5. Back then, before V12, you had to programme these PWAs separately and then have them switch automatically. Since the V12 and the responsive design, however, this has fallen asleep.

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Размещено От Andreas S.
Claudio D.
Claudio D.
Лучший пользователь месяца IT
Fabio B.
A PWA is a real app.

dipende cosa intendi per "real app" 

la PWA è la trasposizione di un sito web in formato APP per essere visibile totalmente offline, adatto per certi tipi di siti , ma non per tutti.

Una APP "vera" come la intendo io , fa altre cose... cioè quelle che con i sitiweb non puoi fare , a meno di programmare in modo spinto...

e questo , magari mi sbaglio, ma credo, sia quello che intendeva John... 

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Размещено От Claudio D.
John L.
John L.

Correct Claudio. Thanks

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Размещено От John L.