New paypal not working 
Автор: Terry R.
Просмотрено 1983,
Подписчики 1,
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The new paypal payment method does not work. When I go through the buying process and click buy now, instead of paypal opening up, it just goes to payment error page, so I have had to go back to the paypal depreciated version.
What kind of error does the error page report?
Hi. It is just a page that I created for payment errors. There is also a page I created for payment success. So when I click the buy now button, it just jumps to the payment error page.
Hello terry,
In step 5 do you have the good URL configured here. Must be same as yoru website
Double check.
If you have or in your browser... The easiest way is to copy/paste the URL from your browser.
In any case for using Paypal into your website, HTTPS is mandatory.
My business name is able domestics which is what is connected to paypal, but I have built another website where I want to sell appliance spares,
so this website is I have gone through the paypal setup process and it said successfully linked to paypal. you merchant i.d is bla bla. but it does not work. just opens the payment error page. I have gone back to the depreciated paypal and that works ok.
Hello Terry
I've attempted to verify the website at but I can see that the new PayPal method is not in use
Would it be possible for you to enable this again for me to check? If not, I might not be able to understand exactly what is going on on your website
Keep me posted here should this be possible for you and I'll check it again
Thank you
Hi Stefano
I have re enabled the new paypal and uploaded it.
Hello Terry
I've verified your website and the new PayPal method seems to work fine
I'll attach here a screenshot where I can reach the payment page
Can you double-check this and see if it works for you too now?
Thank you
This is strange, it is not working for me. See screenshot.
I have tried it on my phone and it seems to work ok.
But not on my computer.
Hello Terry,
try to regenerate the complete project by CTRL + Preview (could be long)
And export ALL files and not just updated files.
Hi Axel.
I have gone into my FTP client and removed all files from the server. I then opened x5 and re uploaded all the files to the server. But I am still getting the error. Not sure what you mean by control + preview. I held down control and clicked on the preview but it just opened the preview.
Yes it is OK ..... CTRL + Preview reconstruct the complete project... useful when some behaviours are detected.
Same issue with another browser ?
Yep same issue an many other browsers
Ok guys, here's what I have discovered. I have asked members of the family and friends to test it for me. And they all say that it works fine. But it does not work for me on my computer. I have also tried it on my phone and it works ok. Strange that it doesn't work on my computer, but at least I now know that it works. Thanks all for your help.