Creating a Poll 
Автор: Jarkko S.
Просмотрено 1939,
Подписчики 1,
Размещенный 0
I'm trying to add a poll to my website
Poll object is this one:
I have created a database and user, but creating a table will require more questions.
I have named my Table as a Quizz. On phpMyAdmin however I would also need to name 4 rows and each row have many type options, like INT, JSON etc and Lenght, Setup value (oletusarvo), attributions... Where can I find correct settings for the Poll?
Hello.You don't need to create any tables.Watch this video from 00:02:25.Perhaps It will help you.
Hi! I deleted the table, but still not working.
Hello. I sent a notification about your question to the company employees, expect an answer from them here in the comments.
Hello Jarkko
In order to use the Poll Object, there is no need for you to operate on the Database table in any way, the software will do it for you
Create a Poll Object and insert the name of a table that does not exist. Then, upload the website online again. Then, add a vote to the Poll object. As soon as the first vote is added, the table will appear
Try this out and let me know if it works
Thank you