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Aleks I.
Aleks I.

Pop-ip window (showbox)  en

Автор: Aleks I.
Просмотрено 1313, Подписчики 2, Размещенный 22  
Тэги: showbox

Hello, I need help!How can Iaddpop-up window(showbox)with a formto fill?And thenthe datafrom this formcame to mymail.The screen isdarkwhenI presson the image andyou should seesomesuch formas in the picture.

2 Ответы
Riccardo P.

Hi Aleks,

you can create a farm mail in a page of your site and link this page in pop-up (with, for example, linked the page in text object.).

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Размещено От Riccardo P.