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Ed M.
Ed M.

Home page doesnot change  en

Автор: Ed M.
Просмотрено 1117, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  


When i change my first (home page) it doesnot change. I had te advertisement etc. on an now it is not on any more. But i can see that and the changed page is not changed .

I tried several times.

When i go to a page and then go back home i can see the changed page. What do i wrong?


2 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Andreas S.
Andreas S.
Лучший пользователь месяца DE

Have you recently activated the intro? And then deactivated it again? It creates an index.php and this starts first and if your start page is called e.g. home.html, then this is only displayed when you click on it.
You have to delete the index.php on the server then the normal start page starts again.
But I would press CTRL+Preview button once in the project and then upload "everything".

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Размещено От Andreas S.
Ed M.
Ed M.

Thank you. That was the problem. 

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Размещено От Ed M.