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Ricardo  A.
Ricardo A.

How to create a custom menu and link the text in the menu to a blog category?  en

Автор: Ricardo A.
Просмотрено 627, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Hi Fellow Members,

I am in the process of trying to figure out how to create a Custom Menu and link the text in the menu to a blog category. Here's what I'm trying to do below.

Custom Nav Menu Example

- Foods - I want to link "Fitness" to "blog/index.html?category=Foods". When visitors click on foods they are redirected to a blog category which is named foods, where all the post that are under the food category appear.

I'm trying to do this like I use to use Wordpress and create a custom navigation menu and then adding custom links to anywhere os a site. 

I would greatly appreciaate anyones help. I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

3 Ответы - 1 Полезно
Ricardo  A.
Ricardo A.

Update, The word Fitness is suppose to be Foods. I apologize for any confusion.

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Размещено От Ricardo A.
John S.
John S.

Hello Ricardo

I am not sure I understand your question as it seem for me you have already answered it yourself.

On this blog:

You can have a link that shows only posts for the bcategory Byfornyelse by making a link like this:

You can also have links for the tags ( and for the users (

You can in your blog make a selection on the category and afterwards "clip" the URL. Then you will have an URL that selects like you have just done it.

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Размещено От John S.
Ricardo  A.
Ricardo A.

Hi, John,

Thanks for providing feedback. I see what you mean. Thanks once again for being helpful. I wish you the best in 2022 and beyond and have a great day. cool

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Размещено От Ricardo A.