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George B.
George B.

X5 evo installed Vers. 2022.1.2.0, it now freezes on the "create project files"  en

Автор: George B.
Просмотрено 832, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Websites that I had been working on in X5 EVO vers. 2021.5.6 and 2021.5.4 before the upgrade to vers. 2022.1.2 get the message to duplicate the folder then it starts creating project files. The message box freezes and it is not possible to close the program. It freezes the whole PC operation and must use the power switch and reboot. 

When the "creating Project Files" screen appears, it is followed by a time remaining screen, and that is where it freezes. Always on a different time number, but there is no activity afer that. 

I would like to know if there is a way to repair my files that worked fine before the upgrade? I would roll back the upgrade if it were possible. If anyone has a solution I would appreciate it. I would take a screen shot but can't from a frozen PC. It never shows an error happened, I tried looking at the program log for something but could not see anything that stood out as a error.

3 Ответы
Andre E
Andre E

If you have an older backup you can download from your portal also an older x5 version.

see link older versions..... then install that pickup the older backup and continue.

It's alway's wise to make copies from x5 with export project from time to time, i write version in it but with tooltip in filebrowser from windows you should see also the version.

This way you never fall back too much.

After update it's better to restart pc and start x5 first time with as less programs running next to it. Or also if you have not worked for a while it needs time to update all librarys.

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Размещено От Andre E
George B.
George B.

Thanks Andre, I installed the previous version and my files opened right up! Thanks for your help. I will check back and see if a reason for my problem was found. I had started a new site using the 2022 version and it seems to work fine. Something to do with the file conversion process I guess. but for now you got me back working!



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Размещено От George B.
Andre E
Andre E

no problem, thanks for the feedback, i am glad it helped.

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Размещено От Andre E