Ability to attach multiple downloads and/or download links for Shop products 
Автор: German L.Hello,
I wanted to ask if it would be at all possible for a near future update, to allow Shop products to have the ability for multiple download attachments and / or download links?
For example, let's say I run a website for digital art, and for each image I sell, I offer the options for the following:
- Lower quality 600x400 JPG image ($7.00)
- Medium quality 1200x800 JPG image ($12.00)
- Higher quality 2400x1600 JPG image ($16.00)
- Highest quality 4800x3200 JPG image ($21.00)
Or let's say someone sells digital eBooks and has various options to a book, such as:
- Mini PDF book $11.00
- Full PDF book $16.00
- Full PDF book plus extra bonuses $20.00
I would like it to be possible for the back end, to allow us to attach the download for each of these items, so that when a customer selects option 2 or 3 from the drop down, they will then receive the correct attachment to download upon purchase. Or if this is not possible, then perhaps allowing each product to have multiple purchase options that allow us to plug in a URL where they can download the proper item they buy. I think if attachments wouldn't be possible, we can at least use outside sources like Dropbox or similar, generate a URL for the zip file or other download, and then plug in the download links into the backend so that when a customer purchases a specific item, they will get the proper download link sent to them.
As it stands right now, this isn't the case within X5 (we can create multiple options to buy but more so for a physical store that sells multi color shirts for example, but not with digital products), but I think that implementing this feature into the Shop for us to program multiple options for digital download would help a great deal for us who create digital products, whether we can do attachments or download links, or maybe the first option as an attachment and other multiple options as download links.
I hope that this is considered. At this time, while I know there are workarounds, it wouldn't be easy for the customer to go to a shop page for "low quality product", another shop page for "mid quality product", another shop page for "high quality product" and so on. It would be easier for us to be able to create the dropdown options within the same product card and to then relate the proper download option to the customer after they purchase.
Thanks in advance.
Hello. I sent a notification about your idea to the company employees, expect an answer from them here in the comments.
Hi there!
Thank you for getting in touch.
I confirm I have reported your suggestion.
Thanks! Kind regards.