E-Shop max 3 items pr orders 
Автор: Torben Ravn
Просмотрено 1096,
Подписчики 1,
Размещенный 0
jeg laver en testbutik.
Det er en testbutik, der sælger smørrebrød, og du skal maksimalt kunne bestille 3 stk. Kan dette lade sig gøre ... kan nogle hjælpe med at knække den nød! Se siden her https://ravnsbybanen.dk/rbs/smorrebrod.php
Hello Torben,
Yes it is possible with a script
look at my demo into the boutik: https://wsx5demo.afsoftware.fr
Something like that ?
Hi Axel
That was not quite what I meant! With restriction on the purchase of open sandwiches. This is how it is when you order decorated open sandwiches, then you calculate 3 pieces for each person.
So you must be able to choose a maximum of 3 different pieces of open sandwiches ..
But can see your point in your page. I have also made stock management on these pieces of open sandwiches. For example, you can not order herring, it sounds more for Christmas and Easter lunches
OK. check with PHP Jabbers. they have a tone of scripts like this one