Problem with settings for contact form from website 
Автор: Andrzej K.
Просмотрено 1236,
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I have changed website - from my own template to template Eddy Hallen. Setting are the same in both of them but there is the different e-mail address in received e-mail (name of hosting). Hosting company said it is a problem with script. The same version of programm, the same settings, the same hosting company, teh same php version but result is different. Why?
Hello. Check which mail is set in the hosting settings on step 5 ("options" button)
I use other hosting than website
Hello Andrzej
If you go to Step 5 -> Export the website online -> Parameters, what email did you configure to send out emails?
Can you please let me know that? Perhaps there is a difference there
Keep me posted on this please
Thank you
I don't use this option - I export website to disc and then send files by filezilla.
Hello Andrzej
Would it be possible for you to configure an email there then?
Even though you do not use that option, this field will still be used for sending out emails. Please try this out and keep me posted here
Thank you
If i do it, the programm forces me to fill the rest fields.
Hello Andrzej
Since you're not really uploading using the FTP engine integrated into the software, do not worry about the other fields. Just fill in whatever so that the software doesn't report an error and proceed. The important part is that you fill in the email there. The other data can be whatever
Please try like this and keep me posted here
Thank you