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Liviu Orbulescu
Liviu Orbulescu

Can I transform the web-site, in web-portal ?  en

Автор: Liviu Orbulescu
Просмотрено 582, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

I would like to develop a web portal. Some of this can be developed with the tools that W5 has, but the rest should be developed. Could we do that?

3 Ответы - 1 Полезно
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

Hello. Yes and no. You can make any changes. But... If you change at least one of the files that the program generates, then every time after exporting the site you will have to make these changes again. It is very uncomfortable.
If you do not change the source files of the site, then this problem will not exist.

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Размещено От Aleksej H.
Liviu Orbulescu
Liviu Orbulescu

Thanks, Aleksej !

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Размещено От Liviu Orbulescu
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

It's my pleasure.

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Размещено От Aleksej H.