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Paul De Freitas
Paul De Freitas

Access to Admin throws Error 500  en

Автор: Paul De Freitas
Просмотрено 959, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Cannot access the WSX5 Admin console via https:///admin I get an Error 500 message.

Any ideas please?

3 Ответы - 1 Полезно
Miguel Galarza
Miguel Galarza

Mostly the 500 error when trying to login to admin is because of the version of PHP on the server.

W5 works fine with PHP version 8.
You check this in the cpanel of your hosting.

Didn't you have that problem before?


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Размещено От Miguel Galarza
Paul De Freitas
Paul De Freitas

This is also happening with PHP 8.1

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Размещено От Paul De Freitas
Stefano G.

Hello Paul

Miguel is correct. If you're getting an error 500, you need to contact your hosting provider first.

They will be able to tell you what the error 500 is. Once they tell you that, and they're the only ones who can report that here to me.

I will be able to provide further information on this here

I remain available here


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Размещено От Stefano G.