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Bruno S.
Bruno S.

Technical question about external references  de

Автор: Bruno S.
Просмотрено 1294, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  


i do use WebSite X5 pro. In the consequence of problems we face in
germany with getting sued by advocates beause of usage of external
sources in websites i have a question:

Is there an easy way to switch off the use of all external sources? The
first and most important one seems to be the usage of fonts downloaded
at runtime from Google. So: Can i change some setting in the project
which will make sure, that the fonts used are on the visitors computer
or come from the webpage the visitor is accessing?

Bruno Schrade

2 Ответы
Andreas S.
Andreas S.
Лучший пользователь месяца DE

Nein, es gibt keine einfache Methode dies zu machen. Ausser du fügst keine Google Fonts ein in das Projekt, dann hast du diese Probleme nicht!

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Размещено От Andreas S.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.


There are enough fonts for websites, they don't have to be Google Fonts.

30+ best web safe fonts for your next design in 2022 - see link below



Es gibt genug Schriften für Websites, es müssen keine Google Fonts sein.


30+ beste websichere Schriften für dein nächstes Design im Jahr 2022



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Размещено От Daniel W.