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Jan Halanda
Jan Halanda

Different text styles of product name and product description in shopping cart  en

Автор: Jan Halanda
Просмотрено 1355, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 16  
Тэги: cart,style

Is there any way to make different text styles of product name and product description in shopping cart? I have tried to format it with adding  < span style="" > element in product description but website automatically change apostrophe " to &quot and web browser recognize it as text not element property.

1 Ответы
Luca S.
Luca S.


We suggest you use the html object for editing text and description because the text object is used for small changes.

Google Translate:


Le recomendamos que utiliceel objetoHTML parala edición de textoy la descripción, porqueel objeto de textose utiliza paralos pequeños cambios.

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