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James Becker
James Becker

Add A Link In The Footer?  en

Автор: James Becker
Просмотрено 1916, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 71  
Тэги: footer,link

Is it possible to add a link to only a portion of the footer text?  I tried but the entire Footer became the link and I only wanted part of it to be a link. For example if the footer is:
Copyright (c) 2011 Some Company. All Rights Reserved. Designed and Hosted by

But I only want to be the link. Is this possible??

1 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Vedat G.
Vedat G.

Hi James,

You need to create two seperate texts.

Create one that says All Rights Reserved. Designed and Hosted by 

And then create one that says

Then place the link on

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