Enter editing mode doesn't work in version 2023.1 
Автор: Ricky B.
Просмотрено 1184,
Подписчики 1,
Размещенный 0
The new Functionality -enter editing mode-, doesn't work. I opened the preview page in the browser and clicked the Obect Edit Mode, and nothing is happening even if i click an opbject.
Hello Ricky
This seems extremely peculiar. In order for me to be able to help you properly, may I ask you to please record a short video of the entire procedure and share it here?
I'm positive that by looking at what you do step by step I might be able to provide further support for this
I remain available here
Thanks Stefano. Please find attached the video file. If you need another file extension for the video please let me know.
I tried to post the video, but don't see the file
Hello Ricky
Unfortunately, the file wasn't attached.
The Help Center only supports extremely small files to be attached, so I think it might have been rejected.
Could you upload it via an external service such as https://wetransfer.com/ and attach the link here?
Thank you
To which emailadress can I send the file with WeTransfer?
You can send it to ***
Please mention my name and the topic's ID (257283) so that the file can be correctly forwarded to me
Thank you
Done, the file has been sent. Thanks!
Hello Ricky
Thank you, I've watched the video you sent. It seems like the new Edit mode isn't enabled for you at all.
One quick question, can you try a different project? Even a new one would be okay.
Is the situation the same? If it isn't and the problem is on a single project, can you please send that as IWZIP to me here?
I remain available
Done, 2 files has been sent. 1 video and 1 IWZIP
thanks for your efforts
Hello Ricky
Thank you. I've verified that the issue is indeed present on your project specifically
I've forwarded it to the developers for further analysis
Thank you
Okay thanks. To be clear. I have tried two different projects and both of them show this issue. The second file I have send (the IWZIP) was the new project.
Thanks again of the efforts.
Hi, is there any news regarding this issue?
Hello Ricky
I've received news on the matter
It seems like the cause of this is the Google Translate Object. Apparently, when used on a page it produces some weird codes that make the selection of Objects on the page impossible
Unfortunately, it seems like these codes are embedded deep in how Google Translate works, and we might not be able to intervene.
It seems like interacting with Google Translate just once on the page will make the functionality work again. But at the moment, until Google Translate is present on the Page, the selection won't work
I remain available here
Hi Stefano,
Thanks for sorting this out. I have tested what you have written and it works. After I have activated the google translator once the function is activated. I love the functionallity! This works for me for now.
Thanks again!