WebSite X5Help Center

Peter K.
Peter K.

Hide titletext on background  en

Автор: Peter K.
Просмотрено 1111, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

I have Websitex5 evo.  My background is a file width just an yellow point. On every site come a ghost-text "Title". How does i hidt this?

7 Ответы
Franz-Josef H.
Franz-Josef H.

.The object appears to be in the footer area in step 2 selection 'Template structure' or 'Template content'. If it is online then provide the URL so we can examine it.

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Размещено От Franz-Josef H.
Franz-Josef H.
Franz-Josef H.

In this guide you will find information about customizing the header and footer

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Размещено От Franz-Josef H.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

Apparently there are leftovers from the previous upload.

For WebSiteX5, click on preview while holding down the CTRL key and wait until the progress bar has completely run through, then upload the entire website and not just the changes.


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Размещено От Daniel W.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Peter, this text and header is probably in your footer.

Step 2, Template Content, Footer tab

To more easily see the Title on white or light backgtound you may wish to set the background dark in the editor for text or title header.

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Размещено От Esahc ..
Peter K.
Peter K.

Thank you, When i set the height to "0" to hide the footer, the ghost-text came because i is not deleted in the template and the background color in the footer is white as you wrote.

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Размещено От Peter K.