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Manu Saels
Manu Saels

Working with multiple users at the same website  en

Автор: Manu Saels
Просмотрено 932, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Is there a possibility to work with multiple users (e.g. 2 users with different ip-addresses) to the same website?

I presume that I have to place the project on a server, with access to assigned people. So these users can make basic changes to the website?

Is this the way to do; or are there better ideas in order to perform updates to a website?

Thanks in advance


2 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Giancarlo B.
Giancarlo B.

yes it is possible but not as you wrote and not at the same time, two PCs with work folders synchronized on the cloud, while you work the synchronization stops, when the work is finished the synchronization starts.

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Размещено От Giancarlo B.
Manu Saels
Manu Saels

Thanks for the quick information. I will try.

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Размещено От Manu Saels