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Dirimi P.
Dirimi P.

Meta  en

Автор: Dirimi P.
Просмотрено 1330, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

HI Question

Website x5 evo

Meta description

I had to chanche meta description for site name in settings, was duplicate with  page 1 on my site.

Page 1 is welcoming page on the site,  page named index

Result, trouble with Google index. Page 1 not in igoogle index, site name ok

By opluading site with new description i used setting ALL pages

At webserver they are still dublicates, confirmed by supportteam

How can I ensure that this meta for sitename is correct on webserver

Thank for helping


3 Ответы
Eric C.

Hello Dirimi,
from what I've understood, you have made changes in this section?
Oherwise, could you please provide us with some screenshots to clarify?
Thank you.


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Размещено От Eric C.
Dirimi P.
Dirimi P.


By mistake I earliere had the same meta desprivtion i Generel Setting as for page 1 in my site, Result duplicate content at Google and page 1 not in google index

I Have chanced meta in generel setting, because meta for page 1 is the best for the text on page 1 including keywords in page name and H! H2 etc etc

After chanching meta in generel setting I uploaded all pages to server NOT just chanched pages.

Recording to my webhost and confirmed by supporteam meta are still duplicates am´and not updatede correctly

Our picture

You are poiting at number 3 in menu  I chanched it i number 1 just under home

By clicking  at number 1 you now can see several things you can do The first is information

Define basic setting for the site

Number 3 is for the page

I use website x5 evo version 2023.2.8

Hope it helps

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Размещено От Dirimi P.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.



How to manually set Tag Title and Description for a page

WebSite X5 can automatically manage all the most common tags. Still, setting the Title and Description Tags manually for a page can be used to improve the optimization and the raking in search engine results.



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Размещено От Daniel W.