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Frank H.
Frank H.

Need help with Contact form not sending and support for smtp in 2024  en

Автор: Frank H.
Просмотрено 1235, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

I have read a number of post on the subject.  None of them address setting this up in recent years as my provider has stoped supporting old versions of PHP.  I need to know the details on what file I need to edit to set the settings for SMTP or what file has the config for PHP mailer.  as the upload to my provider is not working and I have to export and upload using filezila.  So I need to know specificly what files do the configuration of messaging.

10 Ответы - 3 Полезно
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

Hello. In new versions of the program, you can configure SMTP here:

In older versions of the program, you can find these settings in Data Management in the second step (if I remember correctly).

Perhaps it's time to think about a new version of the program.This way you will get support for new versions of PHP and other features.In my blog you will find reviews of new versions.Perhaps you will be interested.

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Размещено От Aleksej H.
Frank H.
Frank H.

I understand that.  However, this process doesn't work to upload my site to my hosting provider.  So how do I create the file to configure this when I export and upload the site via Filezila (a FTP Client)?  What is the specific file that has the settings for the SMTP Server?

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Размещено От Frank H.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

Why is uploading via FileZilla and why do the files have to be edited by WebSiteX5?

I live in Germany and have a web hosting package with HostEurope, they run PHP 8.1 and I load the website onto the web space with WebSiteX5.

For the email settings I use the script type “Standard Script” and a domain email address, so no email addresses from Gmail, GMX or similar.

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Размещено От Daniel W.
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

"I understand that. However, this process doesn't work to upload my site to my hosting provider." - export the entire site to your computer and then upload it to your hosting using FTP Client.

I have never looked for such files (it seems that this data is located in the "x5settings.php" file in the "res" folder - screenshot below). But you can try to do this after exporting the site to your computer. For example, look for the email you specified in the settings using FreeCommander or something similar. FreeCommander has a search engine for file contents.

It may also be worth considering “fixing” exporting a site to hosting from a program, rather than using an FTP client. Perhaps it will be more convenient for you.

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Размещено От Aleksej H.

Hey Franck,

Stop to try to find a workaround...

If you cannot tranfer your website from WSX5 to your provider, Incomedia must to find why.... surprised
The main problem is here...yell

forget other Fizella solution ...etc.... WSX5 must to transfer your entire website to the provider...

that's all.

Allo Incomedia, What is your recommandationt to help Franck..... A moderator can help Franck by an urgent Incomedia notification. Pls.


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Размещено От Axel  
Eric C.

Hello Frank,
what kind of issue are you encountering when you try to export the project online?
What is your provider?
Thank you.


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Размещено От Eric C.
Frank H.
Frank H.

Hi Eric,

I found the issue.  I was getting authinication erros to the path that i was putting in the dialog based on discussion I had with the Hosting provider.  I finally found the logs and seen that it was the same path twice and once I removed the path statement it worked fine. 

The other issue I had was the site had not had the PHP updated and once I did that my issues went away.  So I think all is well now.



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Размещено От Frank H.
Frank H.
Frank H.

Now i just wish I could find a way to have the calendar start Sunday through Saturday in my contact form.

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Размещено От Frank H.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

With WebSiteX5 you can change the order in the language settings, see screenshots

----- Screenshots (German version of WebSite X5) -----


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Размещено От Daniel W.
Frank H.
Frank H.

Hi Daniel,

Awesome!  That fixed it for me.

Thank you very much!


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Размещено От Frank H.