Fixed Parallax not working 
Автор: Fabio B.
Просмотрено 1059,
Подписчики 1,
Размещенный 0
Hi everyone,
I've finally exported a new website to the internet, I still have to change/fix a few things though.
Anyway, the fixed parallax only seems to work on computers. It doesn't on mobile (Android), and I tried with 2 different mobile browsers.
The project is the same I've used for my other website (, where fixed parallax works everywhere.
Any advice?
Thank you very much
The parallax effect has been deactivated in mobile devices because it can cause problems. You can't activate it separately either.
Andreas S. (Moderator):
In den mobilen Geräten ist der Parallax Effekt deaktiviert worden, weil es hier zu Problemen führen kann. MAn kann es auch nicht extra aktivieren.
Maybe other users can test on smartphones, I don't have one myself.
Fabio, I tested with chrome on my pixel 7pro android, the background image on both sites becomes fixed and scrolls with text (not parallax). Daniel is correct.
... x Fabio B., ... (It > En) ... the fixed parallax of your two LINKS neither of them work on my Android-Chrome smartphone...!...
... with v.PRO you can add a final breakpoint at 320 pixels, and this should make the fixed parallax work in most cases, the only exception perhaps for the usual suspects i(!) which with safari(!) present the usual known problems , but I personally don't consider them...
... try making this change I told you, and check online...
... if it still doesn't work for you, please let me know that with an exclusive invention of mine with code EXTRA you could obtain the alternative fixed parallax, even on the difficult i(!)...
... if you want to do it yourself, you can find my invention from which to draw inspiration and customize for your structure, here (De) (and similar in dozens of other topics):
... anyway, if you need help and suggestions for my code, just let me know and I'll come back here, and then it will be very simple...