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Vedat G.
Vedat G.

Text only menu v9?  en

Автор: Vedat G.
Просмотрено 1435, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 26  
Тэги: menu,only,text


Is it possible to create a text only menu instead of the default menu creating images for current menu items?

Best Regards,


3 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Samantha M.

Dear Vedat, could you please kindly show me another website as an example with this kind of menu, so that I may tell you if it is possible?
Thank you!

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Размещено От Samantha M.
Vedat G.
Vedat G.

Hi Samantha,

An example to a text only menu will be my friend's site

The reason I am trying to achieve the text only menu is to get more speed score to the site. If you test the site at it gives warnings about having so many image files with the menu items.

Combine images using CSS sprites F (0) 57% Images Medium


Also testing the site at I get the following warnings as well.

Defer parsing of JavaScript D (64) 67% JS High

Optimize images C (70) 74% Images High

Use efficient CSS selectors F (0) 27% CSS Low

Remove unused CSS C (78.8) 65% CSS Low


Any remedies for these warnings as well? I am attaching the image file for the test result.

Best Regards,


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Размещено От Vedat G.
Samantha M.

Dear Vedat, thank you very much for the info you have added, I now understand what you are trying to do.

If you do not wish to have a background image in your menu you can set it as transparent and have only text but if you wish to have your menu as text only, I'm afraid this is not possible with Evo 9, I'm sorry!

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Размещено От Samantha M.