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Peter S.
Peter S.

From our contact form, attachment files not being received but email and .csv  en

Автор: Peter S.
Просмотрено 944, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

SIte contact form.

When files are attached they are lost and are not received with emails and their csv data which are received OK.

Its not high traffic, maybe only 2 attachments  each month so as an email attachment is OK..  Files are usually pdf.

The email traffic from the form is good.. and is received Ok..  Its only the "no attached files" I would appreciate help with..

2 Ответы
Eric C.

Hello Peter,
I would suggest contacting your hosting provider to check if there are specific settings to be taken care of regarding e-mail attachments, especially for e-mails generated by the form.
The software itself does not place restrictions on this, but the hosting may have restrictions for the file size and perhaps even formats.


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Размещено От Eric C.
Peter S.
Peter S.

This is now fixed..   It was at the server end, needed to increase memory allocation in php.ini

Thanks Eric

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Размещено От Peter S.