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Tony V.
Tony V.

Buying pictures (loyalty-free) with credits  en

Автор: Tony V.
Просмотрено 820, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

I bought some images within the X5 Pro version, for which I bought some credits

Question : are the free to use these images forever or is it time limited ?

Question : these pictures can be free of use (licence free within my X5 project) ?

Thx for your clarification on this ...

My website :


1 Ответы
Elisa B.

Hi there, 

are you referring to the Premium images?

When you purchase a Premium image, you buy a Standard License, which will enable you to download and use the image file for any purpose, including commercial ones. You can for instance use the Premium Images to create websites, advertising banners, e-mails, e-books, presentations etc. Still, you can't distribute or sell copies of the images you bought.

With a Standard License, you can use the image on a single project only: if you want to use the same image on another project, you will need to buy a second License of use.

For more information, please check out the License Agreement on the website of Deposit photos, the owner and distributor of the Premium Images.

Thanks! Kind regards. 

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