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How to use the “65 Modern Webfonts” collection in websites created with WebSite X5 v9  en

Автор: Incomedia
Просмотрено 10807, Подписчики 8, Размещенный 49  

Normally, when writing pages for our websites, we tend to limit our choice of fonts to the most common- Arial, Times New Roman, Verdana, Georgia and maybe a couple of others – because these are practically universal and, as they are set on all PCs, they will be displayed correctly on all visitors' computers.

Fortunately, with the Web in continuous evolution, it's now possible to choose from lots of different fonts and ensure that visitors will still be able to display our pages even if they don't have the fonts we use physically installed on their computers.

So, let's see how we can add the fonts from the SoftMaker's 65 Modern Webfonts collection into the  text you have added  to your projects created using WebSite X5 (version 9).

The “65 Modern Webfonts” collection

First of all, download the ZIP file from the link you have received and extract the files. The files in the 65 Modern Webfonts collection are organized in the following folders:

  • The Webfonts folder contains fonts that can be used on the Internet. They're all available in 4 different formats (EOT, WOFF, TIF and SVG) to ensure compatibility with all the main browsers.
  • The Sample folder contains sample pages of how the webfonts look on different screen sizes.
  • The Desktopfonts folder contains the TrueType fonts that you can install on your PC but NOT distribute on the Internet. These fonts are to be used exclusively offline, for creating documents and images.

How to install the 65 Modern Webfont collection on your computer

You can use the 65 fonts in the collection to write text or create images, using the built-in editors included in WebSite X5, but first you need to install the TrueType version of these fonts on the PC you'll be working on.

To install the TrueType fonts on your PC, you must:

  • Open the Desktopfonts folder and select all the fonts you want to install.
  • Click on the righthand mouse button and select Install from the menu that opens.

Using the webfonts in WebSite X5

Once you have installed the TrueType fonts in the collection, their names will appear in the list of available fonts in all the areas of WebSite X5 where you can work on text, and they are ready for use.

To make sure that the webfonts  you can add to your project will be displayed correctly both on your PC and on all the PCs used by your visitors to navigate your online website, you must follow this procedure in WebSite X5:

  • In Step 1 – General Settings, go to the Expert section and copy the following code into the Enter code to customize your website header field:

<link href="files/sm_65modernwebfonts.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">

This string of code links the necessary CSS style sheet for defining styles that use webfonts to all the website pages .

  • In Step 3 – Page Creation, insert an HTML and Widget Object in the Home Page (or any other page): this Object won't have any actual content and so it won't change the page's design in any way.
  • Double-click on the HTML and Widget Object you have inserted to open the editor and go to the Expertsection.
  • Click on the Add button and import the files of all the webfonts you have used in the project, so that they will be attached to the code and so automatically published on the server. You also need to import the EOT, WOFF, TIF and SVG files for each webfont that you use. These files are stored in the WebFonts folder. In the Upload linked file window, leave files as Server Path.
  • Follow the same procedure to import the CSS style sheet file as File linked to HTML code to the files folder (so that it remains with the fonts): you can download it here .

If you want some extra help with this procedure, we've prepared a small sample project file that includes  text written using the Comix webfont, which you'll find in the collection. You can download this project here:


65 Modern Webfonts is produced by SoftMaker ( ) and can be used independently of WebSite X5.

For more information regarding 65 Modern Webfonts, on the user licence and on how to use it with  software other than WebSite X5, refer to the official user manual that is available in English and German. The PDF files of this manual can be found in the collection's install folder, and also online:

For technical assistance on the 65 Modern Webfonts collection, contact SoftMaker at the following email address: ***

11 Ответы

One interesting point in their EULA is:

Agencies responsible for multiple clients' Websites, for example web

design agencies or hosting providers, may not share a single Webfont

license across multiple clients' Websites.

So this is for single site use

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Размещено От FLAGSA ™
A. Go
A. Go

Where is the link to download the 65 Modern Webfonts?

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Размещено От A. Go
Rik M.
Rik M.


As most of my websites are stil in V8,
What are the steps to implement them there?


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Размещено От Rik M.
Dolores F.

Hi Rik, the installation process for your websites created with WebSite X5 Evolution 8 is more or less the same.

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Размещено От Dolores F.
George G.
George G.

Hi ... this Webfont are support to greek??


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Размещено От George G.
Dolores F.

Hi George G., in the webfonts section you will find a description that says: "Complete character sets for all Western European languages", but if you want to be positive about it, please contact the softmaker support at ***

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Размещено От Dolores F.

I have had some clarification from the software maker regarding site license:

If you are a company and create seperate websites i.e Wholesale Divison local), International Sales, Merchandising Division and so on and they are seperate websites but all belong to the same company and that their domains belong to the same company then you can use a single license and utlise the fonts on all of them. This clarification has come in the form of an email. But if you  are creating sites for other businesses then a site license is required for each site.

I have installed the new fonts it's super but be aware you will receive another offer for 100 professional fonts but these are not web fonts and would violate the EULA if placed on the web.

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Размещено От FLAGSA ™
Loreto  C.
Loreto C.

Hi, I have upgraded from v8 to v9 couple of months back.

Am I entitled for these 65 webfonts? If yes, can you please send me the download link? Thanks!

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Размещено От Loreto C.