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Roman S.
Roman S.

Wishlist can't load  en

Автор: Roman S.
Просмотрено 271, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Wishlist stopped loading in version 2024.2.6. But it still loads in program version 2023.3.10 (11).

At first I thought that the problem was in a specific project. But the problem exists even when creating new projects. Removing items from the cart did not help. Reinstalling WebSite X5 Pro 2024.2.6 did not help.

2 Ответы - 1 Полезно - 1 Корректно
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

Hello. I just checked the wishlist in Incomedia WebSite X5 Pro 2024.2.6. And everything seems to work.

Here is a link to the product In the top menu you will find the menu item "Wishlist". This is a test site hosted by Incomedia.

Please note that the wishlist only works on the server. It does not work in the preview.

Please provide a link to the product page on your website. What version of PHP are you using?

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Размещено От Aleksej H.
Roman S.
Roman S.

Alexey, thank you for this phrase:

“Please note that the wishlist only works on the server. It does not work in the preview."

Until recently, Wishlist worked in the preview browser. And now only on the server. When did these changes take place? Probably with the latest updates. If I had been warned about this, I would not have panicked. I just haven’t seen this kind of information anywhere before.

Thank you very much, Alexey!

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Размещено От Roman S.