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Adrian B.
Adrian B.

Any reason not to add "/cart" to the robots disallow?  en

Автор: Adrian B.
Просмотрено 667, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

My SEO analyzers are flagging the generaated cart on pages that have a cart card. (see screenshot)

Is there any reson why I shouldn't add /cart to the disallow list in the robots file?

Thank you


3 Ответы
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

For Google, the shopping cart is empty because there are no purchases in it. I don't know what would speak against "disollow".

Maybe the SEO pros see a reason why Google should search the empty shopping cart.

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Размещено От Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.


I don't know what would speak against "disallow".

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Размещено От Daniel W.
Adrian B.
Adrian B.

So on all my seo checkers putting the cart as disallow has improved my "points"  - and all seems to be functioning ok

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