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Ciro S.
Ciro S.

Mysql Database Setting failed  en

Автор: Ciro S.
Просмотрено 150, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

When I go to my site now... and try the login button (i.e. the person icon) in the upper right corner, I get a message that says... "No database support detected".  This just recently started.  When I try to re-upload my website, I get an error from WebsiteX5 saying "The following test failed: MySQL Database settings".  I check my server settings, and I am running PHP version 8.1.29 and MySQL version 10.6.18-MariaDB-cll-lve on my GoDaddy Cpanel hosting account.  Does WebsiteX5 support this.  See server setting from GoDaddy attach.



3 Ответы
Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Лучший пользователь месяца EN

I see no error message.


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Размещено От Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Лучший пользователь месяца EN

I registered as a test and it worked.



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Размещено От Daniel W.
Ciro S.
Ciro S.

Yeah...oddly enough, I went to the SW section of the Cpanel control panel and rolled back to version 8.1PHP.  that seemed to work.

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