Uploading new website doesnt work 
Автор: Ramon W.
Просмотрено 564,
Подписчики 1,
Размещенный 0
Im trying to upload my website but every time i try it there will be a popup message saying "The Selected server or destination folder doesnt match the website URL. Do you want to set it now? " When i try to select the folder it keeps saying the same thing.
Im using One.com as a host
Hello Ramon,
usually this occurs either because of a mistaken configuration regarding the URL or destination folder, or because of temporary connection Issues when the software tries to check if the URL and folder match.
However, this warning does not prevent you from uploading.
Please go ahead and choose "No", and the export should begin.
Hello Eric and thank you for your reply. I did try it several times by choosing No but then the website isnt updated. Its still the old layout
Hello Ramon,
what is the URL of the website?
Hello Ramon,
the website has been created with v12, so it seems to be the old version.
If you enter the Destination Folder of the website, what date do the files in it show?
i redesign the website in 2024 till today. see screenshot
Hello Ramon,
if the files have been exported but the URL still leads to the old version, it is likely that the destination folder that was specified may not be the correct one.
Could you please check your hosting guidelines and confirm this?
Thank you.
I did but didnt find the answer there. the helpdesk couldnt help me.
When im trying to export It keep saying 'The Selected server or destination forder does not match the website URL'. When i check the Destination folder it seems all fine and all the new webpages are lined up.
I dont understand why the Destination folder doesnt match the URL.
The home page exists twice, as index.html and as home.html, see screenshots below
----- home.html -----
----- index.html -----
Maybe take a screenshot of what was entered under “URL of the website” and under “Target directory”.
Hereby a screenshot. i dont know where to find target directory.
Sorry - "Destination folder".
Wrong = httpd.privat
Correct = httpd.www
it still doesnt work. My new site wont be exported
Now there is no website to be seen at all. What has changed in “destination folder”?
Oh wait. It did work now. Its online! Thanks allos Daniel & Eric