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Gavin P.
Gavin P.

My Email Form wont work  en

Автор: Gavin P.
Просмотрено 2567, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 33  
Тэги: email,form

My Email Form wont work. I have tried everything including contacting my provider who informed me that they support PHP as well as checking the settings and verifying its ok. When I go to the website and submit a form it states "Error: Javascript must be enabled", I have checked my internet settings and javascript is enabled. I have also got problem with Captcha when this is enabled it tells me that I have put in the wrong code when it is actually correct. What are my options and where am I going wrong?

4 Ответы
Samantha M.

Hi Gavin!
Could you please kindly give me your website URL?
Thank you!

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Размещено От Samantha M.
Gavin P.
Gavin P.

Hi Samantha

my website is as follows

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Размещено От Gavin P.
Gavin P.
Gavin P.

Have you had any success in solving this mystery? We purchased the program based on the fact that it had email forms and now we cant use it.

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Размещено От Gavin P.
Samantha M.

Hi Gavin! I have just posted an answer in your previews post, please update your software and let me know if the issue is fixed.
Thank you!

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Размещено От Samantha M.