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E. Sezer
E. Sezer

Uploading all files  en

Автор: E. Sezer
Просмотрено 1276, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 36  

Hi guys..

finally i finished my webpage but have a problem with uploading..

when im creating my website i tried guestbook,search option like that..

i tried all stuff for learning but im not using it but when im trying to upload my site

it uploads guestbook.php etc.. what can i do for that??

7 Ответы - 1 Корректно
E. Sezer
E. Sezer

heyy u there?

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Размещено От E. Sezer
Claudio N.


Some files like guestbook.php are always uploaded because they're used in the administration section of the site, under the "/admin" folder. Wink

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Размещено От Claudio N.
E. Sezer
E. Sezer

For example, Not just for guestbook.. Open new project and put 5 pictures in it.than delete 2 of it and upload to ur site.. its uploading all pictures which u deleted too..

i mean program uploading a files which i didnt use in site..

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Размещено От E. Sezer
Claudio N.

Can you list here all the steps you follow to re-create this issue? I've tried on my PC but simply adding some pictures, exporting the site and then deleting them does not produce the same behavior.

Thank you!

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Размещено От Claudio N.
E. Sezer
E. Sezer

For example.. i created a picture animation with sound and deleted it later.. but uploading which i deleted files too.. i m deleting them with ftp later but its a fault i think.. needs to be fix it for next updates..

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Размещено От E. Sezer
Claudio N.

I've done another test on the software but this issue never occurs.

Are you sure those images are not loaded into other objects (like image objects or galleries) in another pages?

With wich version of WSX5 did you start the project?

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Размещено От Claudio N.
E. Sezer
E. Sezer

started with same version.. ok than maybe im wrong.. but im deleted all files which i didnt use in website =) thanks for it

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Размещено От E. Sezer