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Sam M.
Sam M.

Website Transfer  en

Автор: Sam M.
Просмотрено 1109, Подписчики 3, Размещенный 35  
Тэги: transfer,website

The website is to be operated by another person at another address/computer. How do I transfer the website.

4 Ответы - 1 Полезно
Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


Go to Step 5 and "EXPORT the PROJECT" This creates a IWZIP...... Transfer this to the other computer then "Edit an Existing Project/Import" into the same version of X5!



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Размещено От Cheeky Man
Sam M.
Sam M.

The other operator does not have any version of X5. I want to transfer the whole X5 operating system to this new computer/address ie the original download. Can I do this?

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Размещено От Sam M.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Do as Frank says, then install X5 on the other computer, and import the project.


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Размещено От Henrik Hansen
Riccardo P.

report herethe one written byRoy P.:

The website is to be operated by another person at a different location on a different computer (Thanks for the answer to this part). The other operator does not have any version of X5. I want to transfer the whole X5 operating system to this new computer/address ie the original download. Can I do this?

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Размещено От Riccardo P.